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【FACULTY RECRUITMENT】Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science National Sun Yat-sen University

Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science
National Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)


  1. Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science (MOES) at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) seeks 3 outstanding candidates for faculty positions at all levels for the 2024-25 academic years.
  2. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering or related fields. Responsibilities include effective teaching in English at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and establish a strong research program that involves supervision of graduate students and acquisition of research grants.
  3. Applicants should prepare the following documents (in PDF format) which have to be sent by mail to

Prof. Yeo-Wan Chiang, Chair of Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science

National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lianhai Road

Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan

or by e-mail to moesaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw. (Please indicate "Faculty position application" in the subject line).

  1. resume/curriculum vitae (including a list of publications);
  2. a copy of Ph.D. diploma;
  3. copies of transcripts from undergraduate and graduate studies;
  4. three recommendation letters (including one from the Ph.D. thesis advisor);
  5. one representative publication and no more than five reference publications within the last five years;
  6. Ph.D. thesis (for those who received Ph.D. within five years only);
  7. a statement of teaching and future research plans (including major research facilities required);
  8. Other supporting materials. (such as awards, technology transfers, and patents).

Note: Please keep a copy of the paper documents for your own records, as they will not be returned.

  1. Application deadline: December 31, 2024.

Starting date of employment: February 1, 2025, or August 1, 2025.

  1. If you have any questions, please contact:

Ms. Chang
TEL: 07-5252000 ext.4050

Prof. Yeo-Wan Chiang, Chair of the Department
TEL: 07-5252000 ext.4071

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