
黃冠榮 助理教授
07-5252-000 ext:4057
學歷:Ph.D., Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
辦公室:材料大樓 MS4014
實驗室:材料大樓 MS2021
Ph.D., Physics
National Taiwan University
國立中山大學 材料與光電科學學系
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Neutron Scattering Divsion Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Visiting Research Assistant
Professor Shull Wollan Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Postdoctoral Researcher
Physics Division National Center for Theoretical Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science National Sun Yat-sen University
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 | 機構 | 補助類別 |
111 | 平衡態與非平衡態軟凝態物質結構和性質關聯性之探究 | 計畫主持人 | 國科會 | 新進人員計畫 |
Ming-Ching Chang, Chi-Huan Tung, Shou-Yi Chang, Jan Michael Carrillo, Yangyang Wang, Bobby G. Sumpter, Guan-Rong Huang, Changwoo Do, and Wei-Ren Chen* “A Machine Learning Inversion Scheme for Determining Effective Interaction of Charged Colloidal Suspensions Using Scattering” Communications Physics 5(1), 1-8 (2022).
Guan-Rong Huang*, Christopher Lam, Kunlun Hong, Yangyang Wang, Shinohara Yuya, Changwoo Do, and Wei-Ren Chen*, “Ion Atmosphere of Wormlike Micelles Profiled by Contrast Variation Small-Angle Neutron Scattering” ACS Macro Letters 11(1), 66-71 (2022). (Supplemental Journal Cover)
Guan-Rong Huang*, Jan Michael Carrillo, Yangyang Wang, Bobby Sumpter*, and Wei-Ren Chen* “An Exact Inversion Method for Extracting Orientational Ordering from Small-Angle Scattering” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 4120-4132 (2021).
Guan-Rong Huang, Chi-Huan Tung, Dongsook Chang, Christopher N. Lam, Changwoo Do, Yuya Shinohara, Shou-Yi Chang, Yangyang Wang, Wei-Ren Chen*, and Kunlun Hong* “Determining Population Densities in Bimodal Polymeric Solutions Using Contrast-Variation Neutron Scattering” Journal of Chemical Physics 153(18), 184902 (2020).
Guan-Rong Huang*, Yangyang Wang, Changwoo Do, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Spatial Correlation Functions of Paracrystals with Radial Symmetry” Physical Review E 102, 032110 (2020).
Chi-Huan Tung, Guan-Rong Huang, Shou-Yi Chang, Wei-Ren Chen*, and Changwoo Do* “Revealing the Influence of Salts on the Hydration Structure of Ionic SDS Micelles by Contrast-Variation Small Angle Neutron Scattering” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11(17), 7334-7341 (2020).
Chao-Chun Yen, Guan-Rong Huang, Yun-Chen Tan, Han-Wen Yeh, Da-Ji Luo, Kang-Tien Hsieh, E-Wen Huang, Jien-Wei Yeh, Su-Jien Lin, Chun-Chieh Wang, Chin-Lung Kuo, Shou-Yi Chang*, and Yu-Chieh Lo* “Lattice distortion effect on elastic anisotropy of high entropy alloys” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 818, 1522876 (2020).
Guan-Rong Huang*, Yangyang Wang, Changwoo Do, Yuya Shinohara, Takeshi Egami, Lionel Porcar, Yun Liu, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Orientational Distribution Function of Aligned Elongated Molecules and Particles Determined from Their Scattering Signature” ACS Macro Letters 8(10), 1257 (2019). (Supplemental Journal Cover)
Guan-Rong Huang*, Yangyang Wang, Changwoo Do, Lionel Porcar, Yuya Shinohara, Takeshi Egami, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Determining Gyration Tensor of Orienting Macromolecules through Their Scattering Signature” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10(14), 3978 (2019).
Christopher N. Lam*, Changwoo Do, Yangyang Wang, Guan-Rong Huang, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Structural properties of the evolution of CTAB/NaSal micelles investigated by SANS and rheometry” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21(33), 18346 (2019).
Zhe Wang*, Takuya Iwashita, Lionel Porcar, Yangyang Wang, Yun Liu, Luis E. Sanchez-Diaz, Bin Wu, Guan-Rong Huang, Takeshi Egami, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Local Elasticity and Dynamical Heterogeneity in Nonlinear Rheology of Interacting Colloidal Glasses Revealed by Neutron Scattering and Rheometry” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21(1), 1463 (2019).
Kevin Chen, Bin Wu*, Lilin He, Gregory S. Smith, Changwoo Do, Guan-Rong Huang, Gaibo Zhang, and Yangyang Wang* “Strain heterogeneity in sheared colloids revealed by neutron scattering” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(9), 6050 (2018).
Guan-Rong Huang, D. B. Saakian*, and Chin-Kun Hu* “Accurate analytic solution of chemical master equations for gene regulation networks in a single cell” Physical Review E 97, 012412 (2018).
Guan-Rong Huang, Bin Wu, Yangyang Wang*, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Characterization of microscopic deformation through two-point spatial correlation functions” Physical Review E 97, 012605 (2018).
Guan-Rong Huang, Yangyang Wang*, Bin Wu, Zhe Wang, Changwoo Do, Gregory S. Smith, Wim Bras, Lionel Porcar, Péter Falus, and Wei-Ren Chen* “Reconstruction of three-dimensional anisotropic structure from small-angle scattering experiments” Physical Review E 96, 022612 (2017).
W. Y. Tsai#, Guan-Rong Huang#, Kuang-Kuo Wang, Chin-Fu Chen, and J. C. Huang* “High Thermal Dissipation of Al Heat Sink When Inserting Ceramics Powders by Ultrasonic Mechanical Coating and Armoring” Materials 2017, 454 (2017). (# Co-first Author)
Guan-Rong Huang*, J. C. Huang, and W. Y. Tsai “Origin of sample size effect: Stochastic dislocation formation in crystalline metals at small scales” Scientific Reports 6, 39242 (2016).
Guan-Rong Huang, D. B. Saakian*, and Chin-Kun Hu* “Accurate analytic results for the steady state distribution of the Eigen Model” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85, 044803 (2016).
J. H. Wu, W. Y. Tsai, J. C. Huang*, C. H. Hsieh, and Guan-Rong Huang “Sample size and orientation effects of single crystal aluminum” Materials Science and Engineering: A 662, 296 (2016).
Guan-Rong Huang, W. Y. Tsai, J. C. Huang*, and Chin-Kun Hu “Analytic modelling for ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment” AIP Advances 5, 077126 (2015).
W. Y. Tsai, J. C. Huang*, Y. J. Gao, Y. L. Chung, and Guan-Rong Huang “Relationship between microstructure and properties for ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment” Scripta Materialia 103, 45 (2015).
Guan-Rong Huang, D. B. Saakian*, O. Rozanova, J.-L. Yu, and C.-K. Hu* “Exact solution of master equation with Gaussian and compound Poisson noises” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014, 11033 (2014).
Chi-Huan Tung, Ming-Ching Chang, Shou-Yi Chang, Jan-Michael Carrillo, Yangyang Wang, Bobby Sumpter, Guan-Rong Huang, and Changwoo Do, and Wei-Ren Chen “A machine learning inversion scheme for determing effective interaction of charged colloidal suspensions using scattering” 2022 American Physical Society March Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March (2022).
Guan-Rong Huang, Jan Michael Carrillo, Yangyang Wang, Yuya Shinohara, Changwoo Do, Lionel Porcar, Takeshi Egami, Bobby Sumpter, and Wei-Ren Chen “A General Method for Reconstructing the Orientation Ordering of Materials Constituents from Their Scattering Anisotropy” 2021 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December (2021).
Guan-Rong Huang, Yangyang Wang, Changwoo Do, and Wei-Ren Chen “Spatial Correlation Functions of Paracrystals with Radial Symmetry” 2020 American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July (2020).
Guan-Rong Huang, Kunlun Hong, Chi-Huan Tung, Dongsook Chang, Christopher N. Lam, Changwoo Do, Yuya Shinohara, Shou-Yi Chang, Yangyang Wang, and Wei-Ren Chen “Quantitatively Determining of Population Ratios in Bimodal Polymeric Solutions by Neutron Scattering” 2020 American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, March (2020).
Guan-Rong Huang, Yangyang Wang, Yuya Shinohara, Changwoo Do, Takeshi Egami, and Wei-Ren Chen “Determining the Structural Characteristics of Deforming Objects from Their Scattering Signature” 2020 American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, March (2020).
Chi-Huan Tung, Guan-Rong Huang, Wei-Ren Chen, and Shou-Yi Chang “Atomic-level defect formation mechanism in high-entropy alloys” 2020 American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, March (2020).
Guan-Rong Huang, Yangyang Wang, Yuya Shinohara, Changwoo Do, Takeshi Egami, and Wei-Ren Chen “Theoretical Framework for Determining the Structural Characteristics of Deforming Objects from Their Scattering Signature” 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December (2019).
Guan-Rong Huang and Liang Qi, SESSION MS04.09: Design and Synthesis of High-Entropy Materials Ⅰ, Session Chairs, 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December (2019).
Chi-Huan Tung, Guan-Rong Huang, Wei-Ren Chen, and Shou-Yi Chang “Atomic-Level Defect Formation Mechanism in Complex Concentrated Alloys and High-Entropy Alloys” 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December (2019).
Chao-Chun Yen, Guan-Rong Huang, Yun-Cheng Tan, Han-Wen Yeh, Shou-Yi Chang, and Yu-Chieh Lo “Lattice Distortion Effect on Elastic Anisotropy of High-Entropy Alloys” 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December (2019).
Guan-Rong Huang, Bin Wu, Yangyang Wang, and Wei-Ren Chen “Analysis of Local Strain Distributions from Two-Point Spatial Correlation Functions” 2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January (2019).
Guan-Rong Huang, NCTS Directors’ Seminar, Host & Organizer, Physics Division of the National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan, March (2018)-March (2019).
Guan-Rong Huang, Bin Wu, Yangyang Wang, and Wei-Ren Chen “Extract Microscopic Strain Distributions of Materials Deformation through Pair Distribution Functions” Poster Presentation, 2018 Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society of Taiwan, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, November (2018).
Yu Cheng Chen, Guan-Rong Huang, J.P Chou, Peter K Liaw, J.W. Yeh, and Alice Hu “Spacegroup Monte Carlo Method Applied on Configurational Entropy of High Entropy Alloys” Poster Presentation, 2018 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November (2018).
Guan-Rong Huang, Bin Wu, Zhe Wang, Changwoo Do, Gregory S. Smith, Wei-Ren Chen, and Yangyang Wang “Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Structure from Two-Dimensional Small-Angle Scattering Spectrum” 2018 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, January (2018).
Guan-Rong Huang, Bin Wu, Zhe Wang, Changwoo Do, Gregory S. Smith, Wei-Ren Chen, and Yangyang Wang “Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Structure from Two-Dimensional Small-Angle Scattering Spectrum” 89th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Denver, Colorado, USA, October (2017).
Guan-Rong Huang “Accurate analytic results for the steady state distribution of the Eigen model” NCTS International Workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August (2015).
W. Y. Tsai, Guan-Rong Huang, and J. C. Huang “Microstructure evolution and mechanical response in stainless steel subject to ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment” 22th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, Paris, France, July (2015).
W. Y. Tsai, Guan-Rong Huang, and J. C. Huang “Mechanical response in 304-stainless steel under ultrasonic surface attrition treatment” SMAT workshop, Hong Kong City University, January (2015).
Guan-Rong Huang “Exact solution of master equation with Gaussian and compound Poisson noises” NCTS Workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, October (2011).
Postdoctoral Research Abroad Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, (2019).
Oral Presentation Award, “Analysis of Local Strain Distributions from Two-Point Spatial Correlation Functions” 2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January (2019).
Poster Presentation Award, “Extract Microscopic Strain Distributions of Materials Deformation through Pair Distribution Functions” 2018 Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society of Taiwan, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, November (2018).